November 2009 Web Edition Issue #3 |
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Aside from Brad's many and varied achievements, he is also a huge fan of science fiction, horror and other such wonderful things. In the course of fandom, many of us have found ourselves becoming friends with the people who create such pleasures. Below you will find a video that will give you some insight into one of Brad's friends.
Video, courtesy of eRooster.TV. Click here for more Mondo Cult on eRooster.TV.
"Robert A. Heinlein's "The Brass Cannon." Grandmaster science-fiction author, Robert A. Heinlein, originally titled his Hugo-winning novel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, "The Brass Cannon," after a Revolutionary-War-style cannon that he fired off each July 4th. In this video you can see this cannon fired at the Angeles Shooting Range and learn its history from science-fiction writers Brad Linaweaver, J. Kent Hastings, and J. Neil Schulman, and its restorer, Randy Herrst. Narrated by Brad Linaweaver, who received the cannon as a bequest from Virginia Heinlein.